Meet this smashing trio. They’re stoic and sassy. They’re posh and picturesque. They’re fiery and feisty. (Okay enough with the embellishments). And they’re packed with a butt-kicking sense of humor that is definitely delightful and incredibly insane.
These awesome girls have been friends for as long as they can remember. They laugh and have fun together. They talk about anything from the mundane to the complex. They gossip. They share secrets and esoteric passions. And at great odds, they’ve been each other’s supportive ally. Their quirky selves complement perfectly, almost as if they’ve scampered out of the same mother’s womb.
Another apparent reason why this trio has instantly clicked is because of the countless things that they have in common. Here are some of those:
“It’s a love story, baby, just say, yes…”
Taylor Swift! You read it right. They ADORE this famous country crooner and might probably genuflect if they see her in person. Not only because, as they animatedly point out, she has a distinct and charming country swag, but also because they find her sweet dewy eyes irresistible and lovely locks of blonde impeccable. They know every single lyric to her every single song and can decipher its hidden meaning without so much as a trickle of sweat. Taylor Swift, is their ultimate, highly-revered, music icon and her music is one of the things that inspires them to do even better at whatever path they tread on.
“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember”
These girls are certified book aficionados. They’d die without them. They crave the works of Paulo Coelho and Nicholas Sparks, to name a few, and are always looking forward to buying more of their favorite authors’ creations. They read books during their free time at school, at home, on board a jeepney (aware of the fact that it can be detrimental to their eyesight but are just too thrilled to read to even care), inside the mall, practically in every space that they can squeeze into. Their ultimate dream? To have a vast collection of books stacked in majestic book shelves that they can marvel upon when they get old.
“So this is love, So this is what makes life divine. -Cinderella”

It is every girl’s dream to meet her own prince charming, that perfect, visually resplendent guy, who would gladly sweep off her feet and whisk her away to happy ever after. While this trio doesn’t exactly desire someone of royalty riding a white horse and whose thick accent they might not probably discern, they do dream however, of finding that rare and elusive kind of love - -unpretentious and genuine.
These fun-loving girls have a lot to share and these things are just some them. Their bond is unbreakable and will grow even stronger in this new and fresh site they’ve just created. Brace yourself and ride along with them in this entertaining journey that is sure to give you the wackiest smiles and infectious giggles.
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